Via the city’s mailing list:

The City of Oakland has recently announced the next set of Downtown Specific Plan Public meetings. The Neighborhood Design Sessions are hands-on workshops that will pin-point the assets, the challenges and the opportunities for change in Downtown Neighborhoods and discuss strategies for solutions:

  • Sat., Feb. 10 – Central Core @10:00 AM-1:00 PM – Oakstop 1721
    Broadway #201
  • Sat., Feb. 10 – *Uptown/KONO *@ 3:00-6:00 PM – Oakstop 1721
  • Sun., Feb. 11 – Old Oakland @ 2:00-5:00 PM – E14 Gallery 472
  • Tues., Feb. 13 – Chinatown @ 5:30-8:00 PM – Oakland Asian
    Center 388 9th Street #290

If you live in or work in or even commute through Downtown Oakland, you’ll want to attend these! This is your chance to weigh in on how Oakland can grow its downtown in a way that benefits us all. A specific plan like this is usually put in place after a year or two of outreach and study sessions just like this, and they stay in place for decades at a time as a tool to guide new development.

Do you want safer bike infrastructure? More housing? Bring back our SROs? A skate park? RSVP now to attend!