Join local housing advocates, community members, planners, and architects to see and discuss how house scale, multi-unit buildings make Berkeley’s neighborhoods more welcoming, attainable, and walkable.
Duplexes, backyard units, cottage courts, oh my! The kind of housing variety and choices that makes neighborhoods pleasant and walkable doesn’t have to come from big apartment buildings (though those are good too!). Come get a pedestrian’s eye view of “missing middle” homes, the kind that offer housing at a variety of price points, are thoughtfully integrated in blocks next to single family homes that exist throughout Berkeley, but are illegal to build in much of the city.
With volunteers from East Bay for Everyone and North Berkeley Now!, the walking tour will be led by Dan Parolek, an architect, urban planner, Author, and Berkeley resident who coined the term missing middle housing.
We will be taking a gentle route with no steep hills (approx 1 mile). The walk is open to folks of all abilities and ages. At the end of the walk, if anyone is interested, Dan will hang out at Highwire Coffee’s courtyard to continue to talk about what we saw on the tour.
To buy Dan’s book, “Missing Middle Housing: Thinking Big and Building Small to Respond to Today’s Housing Crisis,” order from Builder’s Booksource on Fourth Street, or order the book here. If you have a copy and would like it signed, bring it with you
RSVP now and the meeting location will appear in your inbox before we start walking on October 10!