by tdfischer | Mar 6, 2018 | Actions
Tonight, 7:00 PM, the City Council of Alameda is considering an extension to the development agreement between the City and Alameda Point Partners to allow Eden Housing, a non-profit member of the development team, to secure their affordable housing financing. East...
by tdfischer | Mar 5, 2018 | Actions, Letters
This Thursday morning at 9:00AM is a meeting of the BART Board of Directors where they will be considering adding support of SB827 to their legislative advocacy agenda. Sure, but what does that mean? Nearly every public agency in California has a legislative advocacy...
by tdfischer | Feb 14, 2018 | Events
Councilmember Maio and Mayor Arreguin of Berkeley are officially organizing a community meeting for March 15th to discuss increasing housing density in the area around North Berkeley BART. East Bay for Everyone has been agitating over this issue since our earliest...
by tdfischer | Feb 13, 2018 | Actions
This Thursday at 5:30pm, the Oakland Cannabis Regulatory Commission is holding a hearing on the impacts of commercial cannabis operations on the city’s housing supply. While everyone loves pot (or at least the 65.2% of Oaklanders who voted for Measure Z love pot),...
by tdfischer | Feb 12, 2018 | Events
East Bay for Everyone is turning two years old! Our canonical anniversary is on February 20th. This year we’ll be celebrating it at Spats in Berkeley, February 20th, 7pm to 9pm. There will be cake! And drinks! And food! Come join us as we celebrate our...