Upzone your donation on Giving Tuesday!

Each fall, Thanksgiving marks the start of the holidays and the beginning of the end to another year. As we move into the season with a heart of gratitude, we must also be mindful of how many families across the East Bay are working hard and still coming up short....

Affordable Money for Affordable Housing in Livermore

Livermore city council will be hearing comments and voting to set priorities for the downtown expansion on Nov 27th starting at 7pm. Its the only item on the agenda so it should start right on time. This will be the end of a period of data collection and outreach and...

Stop a Downzoning in West Berkeley

This week, the Berkeley Planning Commission is considering an outright downzoning of West Berkeley. Tonight at 2044 Franklin, we’ll be having a sign making party and working on our strategy for this Wednesday. Starts at 6pm and we’ll be open until 9pm....

Feast Bay for Everyone!

We’ll be having our annualĀ Feast Bay for Everyone community potluck this month! November 18th 6-10 PM at 2044 Franklin St. Bring food and a drink to share, if it’s anything like last year we’ll have too much! We’ll have plates, cups, flatware,...