by tdfischer | Dec 1, 2017 | Actions
The California State Legislature passed a sweeping package of bills this year, dubbed The Housing Package. A critical component of the Package is SB 35: Streamlined approval process. It mandates all cities to implement a by-right approval process for housing project...
by tdfischer | Nov 22, 2017 | Actions
Livermore city council will be hearing comments and voting to set priorities for the downtown expansion on Nov 27th starting at 7pm. Its the only item on the agenda so it should start right on time. This will be the end of a period of data collection and outreach and...
by tdfischer | Nov 13, 2017 | Actions
This week, the Berkeley Planning Commission is considering an outright downzoning of West Berkeley. Tonight at 2044 Franklin, we’ll be having a sign making party and working on our strategy for this Wednesday. Starts at 6pm and we’ll be open until 9pm....
by tdfischer | Oct 18, 2017 | Actions
The skinny: Berkeley Planning Commission meeting, North Berkeley Senior Center, tonight at 7pm. Berkeley is at it again. This time, it’s the Friends of R-1A in collaboration with the Berkeley Planning Commission. What is an “R-1A” and why does it...
by tdfischer | Sep 25, 2017 | Actions
This Wednesday, the Oakland Planning Commission is considering approving 179 new homes in Downtown Oakland at 1433 Webster. This project lies directly in the path of an alleged view corridor. East Bay for Everyone has written about this previously, and the staff...
by Chris K | Sep 6, 2017 | Actions
On Wednesday September 6th, The Oakland Planning Commission is considering a small project at 581 El Dorado Avenue. This is part of the Piedmont Avenue area which is one of the more expensive neighborhoods in the region. The neighborhood is generally zoned RM-2 which...